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Red: Taking Root

Red: Taking Root is a post-apocalyptic/ spiritual adventure where a group of unlikely heroes go on a journey to save their planet from dying out.

Red: Taking Root

The Plot

On the dying, desert planet Red, an old man named Kaden Haal struggles to survive along with his fellow man after the Nuclear World War. One day, he is approached by an elemental being, a sidhe, that gives him a daunting task: if he accepts, he must deliver the last, living sapling to a hidden place called Son Barçe – the last garden. 

There is danger ahead with the possibility of Kaden never coming back alive. However, all his life he has longed to do something meaningful for people, and not allow his fear of other’s perceptions of him get in the way. Now is his chance, yet it’s more than simply delivering the sapling and planting it – it’s about reviving the entire planet for future generations to come.

About the Red Series

Red is about why life is worth saving. It is a four book series that will highlight different aspects of this topic.

  • Red: Taking Root – importance of caring for the planet.
  • Red: Come Unity – importance of community.
  • Red: Role of Thunder – importance of finding your purpose.
  • Red: Cataloging – importance of remembering.


Looking Ahead

I plan on working on my series and publishing them. After this goal has been achieved, I will begin working on a screenplay version on Red. From what I’ve learned, there are people that enjoy reading, yet there are some that enjoy movies more. I wish to share this amazing story with fellow book and movie lovers! 

I really admire how much you love and care for your characters and worlds. When you talk about them it’s clear how much you know about them and how well developed they all are in your mind. I respect the way you are able to come up with worlds in an instant! It’s wonderful to watch and listen to.

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