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Digital Short Story 2019 spotlight: Nada Mohammed’s “J.W. Does Art”

“J.W. Does Art”

Known only as “J.W.” to his readers, a young artist starts a blog to document his first semester of art school. Though he begins the semester with lots of self-confidence, things don’t work out the way J’s expecting. After a few setbacks, J finds himself questioning what it is he wants out of school and why he even makes art. Will he be able to recapture his love of art making, or has failing to meet the expectations of others ruined his ability to enjoy drawing?

Artist Bio:

Nada Mohammed is a writer and illustrator who began making art as a teen, inspired by her love of American cartoons and Japanese anime. Born and raised in the world’s most diverse county, Queens, New York, themes of identity, acceptance and belonging are highly represented in her work. Her goal as an artist and storyteller is to create work that resonates with audiences who struggle with self-acceptance, and highlights how all people are more similar than we are different. Nada has a BFA in Animation from the School of Visual Arts and would love to branch out into sequential art, zines, novel writing and bookmaking. You can find more of Nada’s work on Instagram @nadamoart.

See the full story here

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