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the visual narrative thesis projects: nadia delane

Next up in our series of posts on students’ theses comes Nadia DeLane.

Nadia is a talented visual artist, whose work can be haunting and beautiful. We asked her some questions about her thesis project for the Visual Narrative MFA program, titled Spilt Milk.

Before we dive in, though, here are some peeks at Nadia’s pre-thesis work. From her website:

Nadia DeLane collage Nadia DeLane

Where do you hang your hat?


So tell us about your thesis!

Folkloric elements and collage layer worlds together in Spilt Milk, a 2D stop motion film about a girl named Carmen and her invisible friend, the Clear One.

Once Carmen turns twelve, an inability to see her friend causes tension. The Clear One jumps into her dreams for recognition.

Will Carmen learn to see him again? That’s the question. IMG_0375FullSizeRender (6)FullSizeRender (3)FullSizeRender (7)

How has it been to work with your mentor, Catya Plate?

Catya Plate is an innovator – the kind of artist whose technical skills match her imaginative stories and wild characters. I’ve had a great time working with her. She offers me a crisp perspective. I’m thankful for her ability to share years of knowledge obtained in the stop motion field.

Where can people find you and your work online?

My website is I’m also on Twitter (@NadiaDeLane) and Tumblr.

What does visual storytelling mean to you?

Visual storytelling is a marriage between images and narrative where “the two become one flesh”. At its best, visual storytelling communicates a narrative that speaks directly to the audience in a thoughtprovoking, visually stimulating manner.

Why did you choose the MFAVN program?

I chose MFAVN because I’ve tried everything else a writer/ artist can try. I tried everything but doing what I’m here to do which is tell stories. Storytelling is frightening to some because it’s a means of exposure. I decided not to run anymore and then I found MFAVN on the Internet.

Where do you hope your work and thesis will take you?

Honestly, I hope that when people see my thesis they can relate to the feeling of being caught between worlds. Perhaps it will encourage more understanding or more appreciation of friendship and the importance of transparency in relationships.

As for me, I want to make my art. Hopefully exposure will allow me to obtain paid opportunities to publish and produce, make films and direct.

Thanks for talking to us Nadia! We look forward to seeing your final thesis at the Summer Thesis show in New York City! Oh, and be sure to check out Nadia’s Digital Storytelling project, Mindreaders.

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