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Digital Short Story 2019 spotlight: Carol Silverman’s ‘Bad Kitty’

“Bad Kitty” by Carol Silverman is in the spotlight today! Join us at the reception on June 19th at 6:30pm at The SVA West Halls Project Space, located at 133/141 West 21st Street…

Lolly is a tiny Windsor chair with a personality. She lives in a dollhouse called Corridor Hall. She and her best friends Dot and Henry like to discuss important topics such as love. One day, as Lolly is considering her questions about love, what it is and what it feels like, a monster visits the playroom, strewing chaos in its wake. Everyone who calls Corridor Hall home must work together to defeat the monster and restore order. By the end of her harrowing adventure, Lolly has come to understand the meaning of love.

Carol Silverman believes that objects have a story to tell. She loves tiny things and cats, even when they are monsters. Mostly. Carol is a painter and a decorator of sets for film and television. She lives and works in New York City and Kingston, New York. Follow her on Instagram @alizarinorange.

This year’s DSS exhibition showcases video, animation, comics, picture books, puppetry, essay, blogs, and interactivity and includes stories that feature love, health, adventure, loss, fairy tales, travel, character studies, and more! The MFA Visual Narrative program proudly presents the 2019 Digital Short Story Exhibition

The show was curated by Jim Rugg & Mark Sable.

WHERE: The SVA West Halls Project Space, located at 133/141 West 21st Street

Please join us as we celebrate the storytellers at a reception on June 19th! Register here to let us know you’ll be there.

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