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Welcome to our new students! Profile of Evanleigh Davis

We’re delighted to welcome into the fold our incoming class, the Class of 2018! They’re a group of talented storytellers. So let’s show off their work!

Yet another example of the depth of talent we lucked upon this year is Evanleigh Davis. Her rich style captures your eye, keeps it and then delivers a great yarn. Welcome, Evanleigh!


Through My Window – Landing Page:

Watercolor and Ink, 2013. This is the website landing page for the Through My Window project – an exercise in passive storytelling. The full design, complete with sliding menus and buttons, can be seen here:

Running to Stand Still:

Ink, pen, watercolor, acrylic, collage and paper. 2014. A smaller segment of an unfinished, mostly experimental book project. I include this, despite its open-ended and partly unfinished nature, because it best portrays my interest experimenting with graphic novels, narrative, and creative paneling arrangements. A Vimeo video portraying a portion of the book’s 3D effects can be seen here:

Skykid Chapter 6, Screen Version:

2014 – 2015, Watercolor, Gouache, Ink, compiled on InDesign. This is chapter six of my personal project, working title “Skykid”. The work in its entirety is roughly 145 pages. Both the writing and the illustration are my work.

We look forward to working with you, Evanleigh!

You can see more of her work here.

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