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Anjelika Vayas

Digital Illustrator & Cartoonist

Anjelika Vayas, B.A. Art Design and Interactive Media, (Spontaneous Winged Quirky Beast, Seeker of the Impossible, Reality Bender…I’m fresh out of college I am unsure of titles)

Fresh out of Seton Hall University with a Bachelors of Arts in Art, Design, and Interactive Media, this girl is ready to kick some proverbial butts and take some names. Having gone by ‘Jellie’ since birth, this curly-q artist is excited and beyond ready to get started in this world. She’s a digital illustrator with a heavy influence in cartooning such as Courage the Cowardly Dog and then up the spectrum with Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. She hopes to use her many trades and talents and quirks to make stories that will inspire others the way that stories inspired her, and helped her find her way in the world. Jellie prefers traditional and digital media mashed together in her choosing. The path she chose is full of adventure, and she’s ready for every last minute of it. Her mentor is Betsy Cornwell.

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