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The Visual Narrative Thesis Projects: Anna Eveslage

Anna Eveslage is an MFAVN student in her third year. And she’s got a style all her own.You may notice a theme running through each of these scenes. Let’s check in with Anna to see what she’s up to with her thesis…

What is your thesis about?

Across humanity, food production and consumption is typically a communal event. Generally speaking, food is something we share with other people. My Thesis project, however, is a collection of photographs and short, written vignettes that explore different scenarios where people eat alone. When and why do people eat alone? What motivates them? How do they feel about it? How do we feel about others who eat alone? These are the questions I’m exploring in my Thesis project. “Eating Alone” will tell a story of the changing relationship our modern, first world culture has with food and with each other through the isolated experiences of its characters.

Why did you choose MFAVN?

I had always taken a narrative approach to my photography. I am particularly interested in photography as fiction. In recent times, I had started incorporating more of a written component to my photographs to tell my stories. I was looking into graduate programs to work on developing my skills in this regard. I was in the process of applying to various Photography and Interdisciplinary programs when I stumbled across the Visual Narrative program. When I read the description, it seemed almost too good to be true. It was an entire program designed to specialize in what I wanted to do. It immediately became my first choice.

Where do you think the thesis will take you as a storyteller?

I’ve always struggled with where my work should live in the world, who my audience is, and how to reach them. Hopefully this thesis project is a step in the right direction to help me find an answer to those questions.

You can see more of Anna’s work on her website!

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