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Obsolete: Letters From A Cursive Lover by Christine Alicia Di Pasquale

There’s still time to see ‘Obsolete: Letters From A Cursive Lover’ by Christine Alicia Di Pasquale at the Digital Short Story show at SVA. 133/141 W. 21st St. NYC

The story:

Declared obsolete by her employer while her old flame Print is said to be “always relevant,” Cursive grapples with insecurity until newer communication modes help her recognize her continued worth and envision an exciting future for herself.

The storyteller:

Christine Alicia Di Pasquale is the pen name of MFAVN student Christine A. Scheller, a nonprofit communications professional and award-winning journalist. After many years away from sustained visual art practice, she is excited about the opportunity to enhance her storytelling through the MFAVN program.

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