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NO|ON 2015: Liz Enright’s “The Lonely Beatrice Baum”

What is NO|ON? Short for “Narrative Object, Objective Narrative” it embodies the idea that every object contains its own narrative and every successful narrative strives for a unique
objective. For the annual NO|ON show, students write, visualize and execute a five-minute short story utilizing their object, an original character they create, and (in 2015) the color Blue. Required to incorporate elements of spoken word, visual projection/film, and props, these fully realized five-minute visual narratives were performed, presented and critiqued in studio with guest critic, artist, illustrator and animator, Penelope Gazin –

Liz Enright Title: “The Lonely Beatrice Baum” Object: Megaphone

Beatrice Baum summons her husband’s magical megaphone in order to uplift her spirits in the months following his death. Its wish-granting capabilities offer an abundance of comfort, but could they also be a distraction from a mounting problem?

Liz Enright’s The Lonely Beatrice Baum from MFA Visual Narrative at SVA on Vimeo.

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