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Masami Kiyono presents ‘Happa’

Mako is an ambitious half-Japanese half-white New York college student with the annoying ability to see spirits wherever she goes. This power becomes debilitating when she starts fighting with her Asian father in California. All of this stress causes an old demon and Mako’s former childhood friend, Yuurei, to come back into her life. He says he’s here to help her confront her problems with her father, but whether or not Mako believes him is a different story entirely.

Now Mako must decide her next course of action: can she just go on with her life and ignore her monsters as usual, or will she finally face them, along with her biracial identity issues and the true reason why her father is disappearing from her life?

Masami Kiyono is a comic artist and storyteller originally from the California Bay Area and recipient of SVA’s Will Eisner Sequential Art Award, 2016. Her current project, HAPPA, is an eight-part graphic novel that takes inspiration from her mixed heritage. Her goal is to not only give voice to her experiences, but to create stories for others who don’t fit into one box., and she plans to do it through this and other comic series she has in the works.

Instagram: @bluelinepencilpusher

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