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Harvey Redding’s amazing Risograph project, Voyeur Village, is on display now.

Harvey Redding’s amazing Voyeur Village, a project done at our RisoLAB, will be on display February 10-12.

Exhibition Statement

As a gay artist, I tend to focus on voyeur themes, with a decidedly tongue-in-cheek skew. In April of 2016, I was fortunate enough to show such thematic work at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art’s Prince Street Project Space, which led to the granting of Artist- in- Residence status at the RisoLAB, part of the School of Visual Arts’ MFA Visual Narrative Program.

For eight weeks last summer, I worked at this educational interdisciplinary space for Risograph printing, publishing and production. Excited to experiment with this technology, I created a brightly colored three – d i men sional cityscape, featuring structures with open windows displaying scenes of erotic allure and intrigue. My ” peeping tom” urban landscape, with over 800 printed pieces, will completely fill the gallery at New York City’s Prince Street Project Space.

Opening on Friday, February 10, 2017.

Prince Street Project Space

127B Prince Street

(btw. Wooster and West Broadway, SoHo)

New York City 10012


Friday 2/10, 6-9pm

Saturday 2/11, 12-6pm

Sunday, 2/12, 12-6pm


Harvey Redding, an artist, designer and curator, has created projects ranging from a retrospective for pop sex icon and photographer Peter Berlin to a traveling museum for the G.I. Joe Hasbro action figure. 

His own artwork has been represented in numerous exhibition spaces, including the Yale University Library, Centre George Pompidou and The Cooper Union. The artist’s publishing credits include Purgatory Pie Press and Bruno Gmuender.


You can find more info on Harvey here.

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