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Betsy Cornwell (MFAVN Mentor) will open The Old Knitting Factory: A Childcare-Inclusive Arts Retreat for Single Moms

We’re so excited to hear that Betsy Cornwell, author and mentor to Anjelika Vayas (’19), has purchased the storied  Old Knitting Factory. She’ll be turning the storied space into an arts retreat for single mothers, including childcare. It’s a wonderful idea that should spread like wildfire everywhere.

“As a single mother in the arts working four jobs, I know how hard it is to balance parenting and paying the bills with creative pursuits. I’ve dreamed for a long time of finding a space to offer childcare-inclusive arts residencies for single moms (and queer, nonbinary, and POC single parents) like me. I love The Old Knitting Factory’s history and am so happy that I’ll be able to offer the beauty and peace of Connemara, and the space and time to make art, to single parents who need it.”

Read more about the project here.


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