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We’re proud to announce that we’re accepting applications to the RisoLAB Artist in Residence!

RisoLAB Artist in Residence

The RisoLAB Artist in Residence Program is a 6 or 8 week print residency that provides visual storytellers with workspace and full access to the RisoLAB. Multimedia artists working in applied and fine arts such as graphic novels, zines, picture books. graphic design and photography are welcome. We also encourage practicing artists outside of print media to apply. During the residency, artists will research and develop, then learn to print and self-publish projects that utilize the full potential of the Lab and facilities. Risograph training and support will be provided. The RisoLAB is sponsored by the MFA Visual Narrative program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and encourages exploration and experimentation with two, two-color Risograph ME 950U duplicators and 8 unique spot colors.

We are now accepting applications for two 2017 Summer Residencies (6/3 – 7/28).

Applications are due no later than noon on March 24th, 2017.

Previous Artists in Residence:

Natalie Andrewson

Khatia Chitorelidze

Greg Foley

Fawn Krieger

Bjorn Miner

Harvey Redding

Thu Tran


-A leader in the field with an interest in publishing work and a reputation for being a prolific visual storyteller in an original area of expertise

-At least 3-5 years of applied work in the field in proposed area of interest

-Proven ability to take ideas from concept to completion

-Experience in teaching, speaking, and/or leading workshops and the demonstrated ability to explain concepts and methods related to projects

-Self-directed and motivated work ethic

-Body of work complementary to the philosophy and potential of the RisoLAB

-Ability to communicate complex concepts to students and the general public


-Produce, print and self-publish resident’s own works

-Propose and develop a project that supports the RisoLAB mission and practice of self-publishing, original content creation and open exchange of media

-Research and produce publications and/or print artifacts that express the project in visible and tangible form during the residency

-Participate in at least one educational workshop or MFA Visual Narrative class discussion/critique during the residency, allowing students and visitors to participate in the spirit of the work and gain new skills

-Host or participate in a gallery show at the end of the residency that presents
the work in a public forum

-Be willing to donate 20% of all materials and/or projects published during the residency to the MFA Visual Narrative program to be sold for the benefit of student scholarships

1. Currently the residencies are only open to artists that have legal status to work in the United States.

2. Rather than a stipend, resident artists are provided with 24 hour access to the RisoLab, unlimited inks and masters, 20 ib proofing paper, and all available book binding, paper cutting, printing and digital tools available at the RisoLAB. Travel expenses, housing, specialty papers and other expenses are the sole
responsibility of the artist.

3. A 6’x8’ workspace is also provided in the MFA Visual Narrative shared studio space.


To apply to the RisoLAB Artist in Residence Program, please send the following information to before March 24th at noon. Be sure to have “Artist in Residence” as the message subject.

1. Name, contact information and website or link to online portfolio.

2. Current resume or CV.

3. Letter of Intent-limit 500 words
What will your goals be for your research and published work at the RisoLAB? How will working at the RisoLAB help achieve them? Briefly mention any relevant experience with print media, printmaking, and book making. However, no previous print related experience required.

4. Project proposal-500-1000 words
What is the project that you intend to work on during your time at the RisoLAB?
Please provide a clear description and explain how it embodies the RisoLAB’s
philosophy of self publishing and original content creation.

5. Any supporting images, plans, sketches or supporting visual material for your proposed printing or publishing project, submitted as a single multi-page PDF file of 10 megabytes or less. Links may be provided for video works, as well as links to relevant sites.

6. Workshop Proposal-limit 500 words
Artists in Residence are required to host or participate in one workshop or class
discussion/critique for interested MFA Visual Narrative graduate students. Please describe what your workshop or class participation might look like, how it could benefit the students and how the workshop supports your research proposal.

7. Two letters of recommendation.

8. Indicate whether you are interested in a six or eight week duration. This must fall between 6/5/17 and 7/28/17.


The RisoLAB is sponsored by the MFA Visual Narrative program.

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