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NEW CLASSES ALERT! Workin’ on the Riso.

We have some exciting plans in store this Fall and they have a lot to do with RISO! Two, two-color Risograph (Riso) Duplicators to be exact! What’s a Risograph? Can you eat it? No, but you can publish some amazing stuff with this vibrant print technology! 

MFA Visual Narrative will be offering three new Continuing Education classes this Fall to introduce the magical world of Risograph technology, beautifully fusing analog and digital printing techniques, and combining the vibrant solid colors of silkscreen printing with the speed and automation of digital and offset printing. Instructors will include Riso-pro, Pan Terzis and recent MFA Visual Narrative Alum, Ryan Weber whose class will incorporate Riso techniques. Our printers offer eight colors to work with: blue, teal, green, red, orange, black, yellow and, of course, fluorescent pink!

Risograph Duplicator printing technology combines the vibrant spot colors of silkscreen, the high resolution and speedy mass production of offset lithography, and the user friendly automation of an advanced color copier. These incredible compact machines look like ordinary office technology but can function as a printshop in a box. Their ease of use, beautiful print quality and extremely low overhead costs have made them extremely popular in recent years among independent publishers, zine makers, graphic designers, photographers and others interested in making quick and vibrant editions on paper.

You can register for Fall 2015 Continuing Ed courses with the links below, with additional Spring 2016 courses and Riso studio offerings to be announced soon. 

RISO Printing: An Introduction

Low-cost printshop in a box. Students will generate a portfolio of various Risograph projects in the form of print editions, zines, cards, promotional fliers, and other printed matter.


RISO Printing: Zines and Small Publishing

A rigorous introduction–Students will discover that the act of producing a simple pamphlet in an edition can be an empowering, even revolutionary act- a way of multiplying one’s vision and spreading it out into the world.


InFORMed by Story

As the world around us moves toward a screen-based society, it is easy to find ourselves growing more distant from the “tactile” page and finding traditional book forms to be, well, antiquated. In this course students will answer the question of what a book is, and explore the different shapes, sizes, and functions inherent in book form.




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