
Photo of a white man in a denim jacket and an Asian woman with glasses, a yellow dress and red jacket, and a white figure with glasses in a black shirt and black hat with their heads pressed together.

Mary Georgescu (Class of 2017) interviews Jenny Bee (Class of 2018)

We’re delighted to see this interview by Mary Georgescu (Class of 2017) interviewing Jenny Bee, who just walked down the hall of graduates this past summer. The two of them are incredible storytellers, curious in ways that are truly inspirational and all-around wonderful people.

Here’s the description of the interview (the first in a series that Mary is starting up, titled ‘Children of the Storm’!)

Episode 1: To Bee Jenny with You

An interview with Jenny Bee,, about her life and work post-graduation from the School of Visual Arts in New York.

You can find Jenny’s game Equivoque on Steam!

Children of the Storm highlights the life of creatives during turbulent projects where the risk of failure seems terrifying and daunting without being able to foresee the challenges. This podcast seeks to be a useful tool for new creatives of all ages, gender orientation, and beliefs who want to embrace failure, embrace the chaos of the unknown, and embrace their own ideas and themselves fully and unapologetically.