Ross MacDonald
Professional Experience Includes: Prop designer, film consultant: Seabiscuit; Van Helsing; The Alamo; The Legend of Zorro; The Book of Eli; National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets; The Adjustment Bureau; In Treatment; Boardwalk Empire. Backgrounds for Tommy (New York and London). Animated shorts for Sesame Street, Saturday Night Live.
Books Include: Another Perfect Day; Achoo! Bang! Crash!: The Noisy Alphabet; Bad Baby. Co-author, illustrator, In and Out with Dick and Jane: A Loving Parody. Illustrator, Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman
Publications Include: Newsweek, Time, Mother Jones, The New York Times, New Yorker, Newsweek, Time, The Wall Street Journal, The London Sunday Times, Rolling Stone, Harpers, the Atlantic Monthly, Vanity Fair. Contributing editor, Virginia Quarterly Review
Awards and Honors Include: Gold Medal, Society of Illustrators; American Illustration; Print Regional Design Annual; Communication Arts; Kirkus Reviews; Society of Publication Designers; AIGA; Book of the Week, Publishers Weekly; Best Book, Child magazine; Best Book, Nick Jr. magazine