Nina Bunjevac
Nina is an internationally published and exhibited author, storyteller and illustrator. She has produced three award-winning graphic novels – Heartless, Fatherland, and Bezimena. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Best American Comics, ArtReview Magazine, High-Fructose Magazine, and monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique.
In her mentoring program, Nina draws inspiration from the ideas of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey; C.G. Jung’s active imagination technique; and, Rudolf Steiner’s holistic approach to education. Projects best suited for her program include autobiographical graphic fiction, stories with mythological underpinnings, or the combination of the two.
In preparation for the program, it is suggested students familiarize themselves with the general ideas and concepts of Joseph Campbell. After each session, Nina will provide students with a required reading and viewing list, representing a wide range of media.
Nina is mentoring Susannah Lohr