Basya Goldstein is first and foremost a student! She hails from Teaneck NJ and is a recent graduate of Stern College for Women where she majored in Studio Art and minored in English.
Basya keeps a pencil on her the way a grandmother keeps a throat lozenge in her purse. She is obsessed with animation, and can talk about films and books for hours. She likes using any materials she can get her hands on, and especially loves to experiment with and learn new mediums and skills.
Basya has been telling stories since she could talk, and loves connecting with others and/or making them laugh through her work. She can’t wait to take her abilities beyond the realm of observation and humor to create dynamic plots, characters, and stories.
Basya’s interests include photography, running, sports, beat boxing, cooking, exploring, and Hebrew Bible study (didn’t see that one coming didja?).

Keira is sick of everything in her life—her job co-running a seaside pirate inn, her quiet village— and especially the utter lack of available guys who aren’t either weird, gross, dull, or all of the above.