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Will Terrell talks illustration and inferiority complexes

Will Terrell has a strong voice. The illustrator runs a YouTube channel where you can watch him pencil, ink and color his charming pieces.

Copyright © 2010 Will Terrell

While the vids can be very instructive, it’s Will’s proclivity to talk while he works that sets his channel apart. I’ll let Will illustrate what I mean. Here are several descriptions of his videos on YouTube:

In this video I demonstrate coloring a pencil sketch. I also talk about learning to be a good student, and dealing with ego.


In this video I talk about not being critical of others. As well as some tips on how I color with prisma markers.


Today I’m sketching a little old lady I saw at the grocery store. And I also talk about how to gain confidence as an artist, and what to do when you go overboard with it, lol.

Will Terrell

Clearly. the artist likes to talk about life while he draws. Most of us don’t like to be preached to, and Will avoids that with his personal stories. Still, having color commentary along with your sketching lesson may grate your nerves. It did for me, at first. But if you give him a chance Will grows on you. He means what he says and that ends up being as compelling as his work. By the time I finished watching the second video I admired his work and his world view.

Plus, I’ve picked up some excellent tricks for my own illustrations!

Here’s a sampling of his YouTube channel.

Here’s Will’s favorite video. It’s a gem.

Watch Will’s videos on his YouTube page.

-Ben Zackheim

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