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Websites we love: Edward Hemingway’s ‘Hemingwayland’

Because I’m a huge nerd, I LOVE to analyze websites of creative people. I’m interested in how we present ourselves online. Why? Because what we see on a site is what’s important to the artist and what she thinks is important to her audience. It can be telling, endearing and an insight into the creator and her work.

While reviewing our student and faculty sites (in my spare time… NERD!) I came across Edward Hemingway’s site. Eddie is a faculty member, a fantastic storyteller and the owner of an effective website.

It isn’t grandiose. It doesn’t redefine how all artists should show their work. But it shows HIM off, it shows off HIS WORK and it has a Buy button in case you fall in love with one of his characters, which is likely.

Hemingwayland, as he calls it (which is great branding!) has the following in the header:

Images | About | Animation | Books

It’s the perfect flow, it covers everything and it uses the right wording. Start with the visuals, let people know your story, highlight an impressive product (animation, in this case) and then list off the books they can buy (but don’t call the section “Buy”, call the section “Books”).

Well done, Mr. Hemingway!

He used Squarespace to build the site, which is a recommended service by many faculty in the program.

Check it out here.


-Ben Zackheim

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