visual narrative info session=what a night!
This last Monday, July 15th, 2013, we had our first Info Session with the inaugural class in attendance. Invites went out to the public to come see what the program was all about, and you showed up! The night was a blast with Nathan Fox, program chair, opening with an epic, visually stunning, thoughtful presentation of his life and the program he’s created. Let’s just say that Nathan and Visual Narrative have a lot in common!
From the inside out, it looked like the folks who joined us were having a good time, too. People mingled, wandered around the beautiful studio space and ate yummy stuff. But, perhaps the most satisfying part of the whole evening was the art.
It was playful.

(crappy photo taken by Ben Zackheim. Don’t blame the super-talented Anna Eveslage, who took the rest of the pics.)
It was brilliantly creepy. This piece made you feel like you were a peeping tom!
It was just plain cool. Good art=good conversation.
We’ll run one of these sessions as often as possible. Keep an eye open for the next one. You can also join us this July 24th, 2013 for an Open Studio, where the students will show off their final projects.
Photo credit: Anna Eveslage, Student