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TIME CAPSULE: New York Comic Con 2015 through the lens of Lucea Spinelli

We always enjoy New York Comic Con and this year was no different. What is different is that we had our very own Lucea Spinelli on the floor snapping some great shots. Lucea’s eye caught some amazing, and in some cases quiet, moments. If you’ve ever been to NYCC you know how hard ‘quiet’ is to find! We asked Lucea some quick questions about her experience at the show.

1) You seem to have focused on great characters, not just great costumes. What did you look for when you were choosing from the thousands of options?
The people behind the costumes are what interests me most about Comicon, so I tried to focus on subjects whose personality shone through no matter how meticulous or less articulated the guise.

2) What caught your eye on the floor? Did anything excite you?
I was most taken by how open and everyone was to interact, have their photo taken and share their story. It seemed everyone was very proud to be there whether in costume or not, which is exciting to be a part of especially when behind the lens.

3) What camera did you use?
Canon 5D Mark 3

Thanks for the peek inside New York Comic Con 2015, Lucea!

Check out more of her work at

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