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The Visual Narrative Faculty Collection: Jim Rugg

This is the first in a series of posts where I’ll shut up and let the art do the talking. You’re welcome! The series will cover our faculty’s incredible talent. Straight-up images, no talk (that’ll be for another set of posts and interviews).

First up? Jim Rugg! Be sure to read Jim’s bio below the fantastic art.

So, uh, maybe I should stop typing now?











From Jim Rugg’s blog bio:

Jim Rugg is a comic book artist, illustrator, and designer living in Pittsburgh, PA.

He is the co-creator of Afrodisiac, Street Angel, the PLAIN Janes, and USApe*. Clients include Marvel Entertainment, DC Comics, New York magazine, VH1, McSweeney’s, Smirnoff, Converse, and Capcom. His work has been recognized and honored by the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts, American Illustration, Print magazine, AIGA 50/50, Eisners, Ignatz, Glyphs, Best American Comics series, and the Library of Congress’ National Archives.

In 2011, he participated in the Creative Capital Professional Development Program as part of Pittsbugh’s Flight School Fellowship and the Brew House Association’s artist residency, Distillery. In 2012 he received a Creative Development Grant from The Pittsburgh Foundation and had his first solo art shows, This #*?! Isn’t Very Funny at Pittsburgh’s Toonseum, and Notebook Nerd at L.A.’s iam8bit gallery.

He co-hosts the podcast, Tell Me Something I Don’t Know on Boing Boing.

His latest print project, SUPERMAG (Adhouse Books), hits streets in May 2013 and will redefine comic book lettering in the 21st century.

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