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The best comic books of 2015

2015 has been another great year for comic books. The art form itself continued to rule much of our cultural discourse as movies, TV and games flooded our lives. But comics’ impact went beyond shopping carts and eye candy. We also saw incredible work come out that proves the storytelling power is only growing.

We asked our esteemed faculty for their list of the best comic books of 2015 and this is what they said:

Mark Sable @marksable (author of GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES, Spider-Man, Teen Titans, Batman: Two-Face Year One)

My favorite new comic of the year is Alan Moore and Jacen Burrow’s Providence, inspired by both the works of HP Lovecraft and the world he inhabited.  Set in a historical 1919, it posits a world where his literary creations are about to become real.  But the real horror is not the cosmic horror of Lovecraft’s monsters.  More chilling is the contemporary racism, xenophobia and homophobia that influenced Lovecraft’s work and the horrible dark forces of the 20th century, like Hitler’s gas chambers, that his work seems to predict.


Honorary mention goes to Michel Fiffe’s COPRA …


…and Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin’s The Private Eye.


And if you are not reading work by fellow faculty members Benjamin Marra …


… and Jim Rugg, you are missing out on two of the best indie comic creators in the business.


Thanks, Mark! Now we move on to the faves of…

Nathan Fox, Chair of MFAVN @nathanfoxy (artist on CAPTAIN VICTORY & The Galactic Rangers, FBP)

My favorites of the year included Sacred Heart by Liz Suburbia (Fantagraphics)

9781606998410 (1)

Step Aside, Pops by Kate Beaton (Drawn and Quarterly)


SuperMutant Magic Academy by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn and Quarterly)


Liz’s work is amazing and Kate Beaton never disappoints. Jillian is just witty and satirical joy of awesomeness.

I also have to recommend SAGA.


I am anxiously awaiting my own copy of Volume 4. The art and intergalactic soap opera and writing is amazing, I must confess.

Apocalyptic Girl by Andrew Maclean is fantastic


…as is his new series Head Lopper.


There is a TON of others but I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks for your thoughts, guys! Your choices really highlight what a wonderful year for comics it’s been. Lots of reading to do now.

Here’s to 2016!

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