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Step into autumn with a warm wind at your back. Take a class!

The heat of summer boils our spirits. The chill of autumn embraces our curiosity. If you want to step through the doorway to winter with knowledge and the inspiration to create something, then take a class!

New York City has a wealth of options. Workshops, conferences, and courses like the ones in our Continuing Education program.

We have an Info Session coming up for those of you who want to step into (or take the next next step into) storytelling, zines, minicomics, publishing, and more. Here’s some more info…

(click on the blue bar at the top of the page to get details)


INFO SESSION: Free and open to the public Sep 10 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

What is visual narrative? What is a Risograph? How does children’s book publishing work? How do you self-publish comic, zines, photo and artist’s books? What do you need to begin creating your own original content as both an author and artist, regardless of medium? How is the delivery format of your story shaped by the content? Spend an evening with some of our continuing education visual narrative faculty, and see their work and their students’ work to find out.

Note: Session will meet at 136 West 21st Street, on the 11th Floor

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