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Rachel Mersky is Spooked!

Rachel Mersky (student, MFAVN) made our day by pointing us to her website, where she’s doing some excellent work! The project she’s working on is titled “Spooked”.

In her own words:

“Spooked is my first hand-drawn animation– and I’m figuring it all out as I go. I’ll be collecting my progress as I navigate these dark woods as well as any tidbits of wisdom I pick up along the way. Please join me on this adventure!”

She meticulously (and clearly) tracks the big steps she’s taking to complete the piece. It’s a fascinating read (in addition to the charming art style) and taught me a thing or two about how to make sequences like this:

Spooked by Rachel MerskyLuckily, Rachel is posting on Tumblr so you can easily follow her and track her progress. We’ll have an interview up soon to dive into what she’s up to and what’s next!

Excellent work, Rachel.

Ben Zackheim


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