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Pop-Up magazine: A sketchnote of the event by Jenny Goldstick

Welcome to the first of many sketchnote posts! What are sketchnotes? Simply put, they’re illustrations that tell the story of an event. Our very own Jenny Goldstick (alum) has agreed to draft up her visual notes for some of the more exciting happenings in NYC. Her perspective is insightful, fun and a blast to look at.

First up? Pop-Up magazine! Jenny gives us her take on the top benefits of a live magazine performance. Then she gives us an overview of the stories with a sketchnote. Then she drops the mic.

Take it away, Jenny!

Pop-Up magazine is a “live” magazine performance – meaning that the magazine’s “articles” are presented in ways that bring the content to life through visuals and/or sound as they are appropriate to the piece. Overall the experimental format was very refreshing.

MFAVN covers Popup Magazinewith Jenny Goldstick Sketchnote

5 Benefits of a Live Magazine Performance

 1) Many Sensory Tools to Aid in the Experience One of the most exciting parts of experiencing a magazine off the screen or page is that all of the sudden there are many audio and visual tools to help illuminate the articles. Some stories used music and photographic slide show, others used only animation, and some used music alone. Tools to fit each individual story were really well-considered at the event.

2) Makes the Stories Feel Like “One Big Story” The stories were curated in such a way that transitions between media felt seamless, like when the screen wasn’t in use, it was not noticeable. It felt natural—your eyes just follow the flow of the performance.

3) Demands More Attention The “fleeting” nature of the live magazine presentation engrossed me in the content in a way that a regular print or web magazine otherwise would not do. The performance was one night only! And not recorded.

4) Cultivates More Thorough Engagement I think I would typically choose one or two articles to read in a print or web magazine when presented with a recommendation or a web link—the curation and editorial work that goes into the issue of a magazine is often lost on me unless I really sit down with it. The performed magazine makes these elements feel unavoidably central and important.

5) Gives More Credit to Writers & Creators Stories (for the most part, I believe) were narrated by their creators, which felt like another appropriate choice. They were also actually standing on stage narrating their work, which gives them literal visibility and credit in a more prominent way than just a byline.

Favorite stories included “The Nine” by Katy Grannan, “About Face” by Jon Mooallem (though I have to say they were all pretty spectacular, I was absorbed by the world created by the event from beginning to end).

Jenny Goldstick

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