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Marketing for creative people: Tell your story to sell your story.

We don’t just dive into honing our visual storytelling skills at MFAVN. We also work on our marketing chops.

Marketing for creative people is a touchy subject. On one hand, it’s tough to market yourself. Most of us are artists first and business-people/promoters second (or seventh, or one thousand one hundred and twelfth).

On the other hand, it’s never been easier to find your comfort zone with marketing and promotion. A new promo tool pops up every five seconds! There really is something out there for everyone. You just need to find your path.

Here’s a helpful article by Copyblogger that runs down some fundamentals. It’s mostly an exercise in framing the idea of marketing so it makes sense inside our busy heads. It’s worth a read, though, if you’ve been pondering ways to get the word out. Our favorite advice is probably…

Take advantage of your unique position

This tip doesn’t just apply to your creative work, it’s also a big factor in how you can market your work. Take a step back, talk to some friends/fans and hash out in clear language what you offer that’s different than anyone else. Then write down some life experiences that helped make you who you are. Finally, tap your brain for everyone you know in your network who can help amplify your discoveries. Yes, this is a summary of a complex process (which we’ll write about one day) but it’s worth thinking about.

Give the post a read and see how it applies to you.

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