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It’s time. Digital Short Story 2019 is ready to entertain and inspire

Starting on June 12th, you can lose yourself in story at Digital Short Story 2019.

MFA Visual Narrative’s Digital Short Story (DSS), each student must channel their inner author and narrative designer to create, write and present an original, self-published digital short story in 15 weeks. Subject matter, style and digital format design are an integral part of the project development, creative process and decision-making. The only true parameters of the project are story length, the use of text and image and the challenge of telling a great story from concept to finish.

The goal of Digital Short Story is to foster ambitious and exciting new voices in visual storytelling through interaction with faculty and peers. The DSS project is designed to focus on specific story fundamentals and explorations in character development, setting, plot structure, narrative design and story composition to translate ideas and information into a digital format rooted in an information system as old as human culture — ­story.

This year’s DSS exhibition showcases video, animation, comics, picture books, puppetry, essay, blogs, and interactivity and includes stories that feature love, health, adventure, loss, fairy tales, travel, character studies, and more! The MFA Visual Narrative program proudly presents the 2019 Digital Short Story Exhibition.

The show was curated by Jim Rugg & Mark Sable.

WHERE: The SVA West Halls Project Space, located at 133/141 West 21st Street

Please join us as we celebrate the storytellers at a reception on June 19th! Register here to let us know you’ll be there.


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