Faculty: Panayiotis Terzis, RisoLAB manager, School of Visual Arts; owner, Mega Press
Through online lectures and slide presentations, students will receive technical training in print design for the Risograph process. Feedback and guidance will be given through group and individual critiques. An overview of Risograph printing and its range of printing techniques, as well as examples of Risograph and printmaking-based work will be included. Each student will generate a portfolio of various Risograph projects in the form of print editions, zines, cards, promotional fliers, and other printed matter that will be formatted for printing at a future date.
After completing this course, students will be eligible to register for a special three-day on-site print training boot camp scheduled to run, conditions permitting, in the spring 2021 semester at the SVA RisoLAB. The boot camp will be offered for a separate fee, and will allow students to use the facilities for the remainder of the semester to print their projects.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this online course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of synchronous as well as asynchronous lectures and discussions. Students are invited to attend regularly scheduled online sessions during the listed course hours.

Panayiotis Terzis, RisoLAB manager, School of Visual Arts; owner, Mega Press
How to use Risograph effectively as a tool for self-publishing is the focus of this course. Students will be guided through the process of designing and preparing artwork in digital formats that will be ready to print at a later date. After a comprehensive introduction to the Risograph medium, we will explore color, form, layout and pagination, and how to communicate ideas in book form. Assignments will act as conceptual sparks for exploring new directions. Students will prepare print files for several print and zine editions, and receive feedback on their work in group and individual critiques. In addition to technical instruction, examples of Riso-based publications from across the small publishing underground will be viewed and discussed, and we will trace the history of the zine and self-publishing impulse from Thomas Paine to the printmaking revival of the 2000s. Students will discover that producing a simple pamphlet in an edition can be an empowering act.
After completing this course, students will be eligible to register for a special three-day on-site print training boot camp scheduled to run, conditions permitting, in the spring 2021 semester at the SVA RisoLAB. The boot camp will be offered for a separate fee, and will allow students to use the facilities for the remainder of the semester to print their projects.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this online course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of synchronous as well as asynchronous lectures and discussions. Students are invited to attend regularly scheduled online sessions during the listed course hours.