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CONTINUING ED CLASS: Building Interactive Worlds Across Media (Summer 2018)

Interactivity has become a large part of the storyteller’s toolbox. Whether through immersive virtual worlds, video games, non-digital board games or participatory theater, storytellers need to know how the settings, characters and events they create will work differently, or the same, in each. This workshop is an in-depth, media-agnostic course where students examine the ins and outs of dramatic interactivity. Topics include: how to take a simple concept verb and use it to cut right to the heart of story, character and action; how to build compelling, emotional worlds from this foundation, and how those worlds can as easily be a game, a comic, a movie or a painting.
NOTE: Markers, paper, dice, playing cards, note cards, poker chips, Sculpi, and other game-related knickknacks required for this course are provided.

Jun 16 – Jun 17 10:00AM – 4:00PM

136 West 21st Street
1.00 CEUs,
2 Sessions

Matthew Weise Co-founder, Fiction Control LLC; writer; game designer

Register here

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