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Congratulations to THREE of our students for their Will Eisner Sequential Art Awards

We’re DELIGHTED to share the news that one of our students has been awarded the Will Eisner Sequential Art Award!

Wait, that’s not right. Actually, two of our students have been awarded the Will Eisner Sequential Art Award!

Hold on, hold on.

THREE of our students have been awarded the Will Eisner Sequential Art Award!

Congratulations to Matthew Murphy, Alex Barsky and Kenny Nam! We’re proud of you.

The Will Eisner Sequential Art Award Fund was established in 2008 by the Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation in memory of SVA faculty member Will Eisner, whose work was integral to establishing the graphic novel as a form of literature. This annual award is designated to support a thesis project by a final-year undergraduate or graduate student whose work is in sequential art. Funding is distributed during the annual Alumni Scholarship Awards program. Applications are ranked by an alumni panel whose recommendations are approved by the Alumni Society Board of Directors.

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