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An Anime-inspired futuristic animated adventure series exploring the question: What happens when we follow our passions and the adventure that unfolds when we embrace them?


When the Echo, an artifact with the power to destroy or unify humanity, is found, Kiwe, the adventurous scholar responsible, will become a magnet for friend and foe alike as he chases his curiosity to unlock The Echo’s secrets to solve the great mysteries of the past and unify the world.

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I wrote Epoch to be a nine-episode series in three acts. Each act will cover a character arc, with the Echo being the goal. Each danger the group encounters challenges Kiwe’s beliefs to pursue his passions, inspiring others to do the same.

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Jarobi: Find out what you value, what excites you. Once you know what it is, Seek it.


I completed creating the story, the world, character designs, writing pilot scripts, storyboards, animatic, 2D animation, clean-up, and coloring.

This project was a fun undertaking as it allowed me to learn more advanced skills with storyboarding my mentor, Wynton Redmond, as I got into designing the bible and animating the scenes. I love hand-drawn 2D animation.

This project also offered me a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with my producer and background designer, Luao Liu, and the dynamic composer Syledbeats.

Below are process pages from concept to completion.

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Credit & Recognition





  • Luao Liu (Background Designer / Producer)
  • Sylsedbeats (Composer)
  • ToonBoom Harmony (Sponsor)
  • Hsiang Chin Moe and Gabriela Ilijeska (SVA BFA Animation)
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