
Chris Labrooy

chris labrooy crafts fonts that look at other fonts and say, “you call yourself a font?”

Chris Labrooy

What tends to happen when I see something new and powerful is, well, my brain fries. I get a jolt in my chest, half-tears and half-joy at what we can create. If I sit down and write while in this state it’ll read like a fourteen year old with whiskey in him.

Click on the images to see them in full size.

Chris Labrooy

With that in mind, I’ve just discovered Chris Labrooy’s work and I’m in love. His fonts wear their hearts on their sleeves, in some cases literally. I find it delightful to skim through the work over and over. Maybe it’s the textures, or the playful voice, or the unsettling scale of it all, but the bottom line is that this fanboy has set up a Chris Labrooy Google Alert!

Chris Labrooy

Chris Labrooy

Chris Labrooy

Give us your thoughts on Labrooy’s work in the comments.